The right amount of daylight
Enough daylight in the home or at work starts with a comprehensive daylight plan. We provide tailor-made advice for every space or building.
Our daylight professionals have experience with:
- Passive House / Passive building;
- FM Approval;
- BBA Approval;
- Cradle to Cradle;
- WELL building standard;
- Agricultural buildings and certifications:
- Listed house / Listed building.
Daylight calculations
Part of good daylight advice for any room is the design check with a light calculation. With this calculation we can calculate and visualise the illuminance and also assess whether it meets the requirements. Use is made of light calculation programs such as DIALux. The result is a complete daylight plan.

Questions? Contact Steve

Our Powerdaylight daylight tubes are an ideal solution to meet BREEAM daylight requirements. These innovative systems efficiently channel natural light into interior spaces, reducing the need for artificial lighting and supporting energy efficiency. When integrated into the building design, Powerdaylight systems enhance employee well-being and contribute to a sustainable working environment. Using DialuxEVO, we provide detailed simulations and evidence to demonstrate compliance with daylight factor standards, ensuring optimal performance and alignment with BREEAM certification criteria.
Powerdaylight® Daylighting Tubes provide an innovative solution for sustainability by contributing to LEED certification through the USGBC. Thanks to their direct impact on sustainable design, our products can help buildings earn LEED points in several categories, including Indoor Environmental Quality, Energy and Atmosphere, and Innovation in Design.

FM Approval
Advice FM Approvals
Do you want to be sure that your daylight products continue to perform optimally, even under the toughest and most extreme conditions? A number of products in the Techcomlight range meet the FM Approved quality mark. In this way we can easily advise on safety and daylighting. For example, a number of common types of Solatube have been tested and passed the fire test, pressure test and impact test. Is the FM quality mark a requirement for you, your project or your client? Then contact us and get advice
About FM Global
FM Approvals specialise in independent certification and approval of commercial and industrial products. The FM quality mark guarantees that the product has been objectively tested and meets the highest international requirements. It is a respected quality mark and inspires confidence in people. FM Approved is the quality mark awarded by the world's largest insurance organisation. At FM Global, risk analysis and damage prevention are central. Due to the high demands placed on the products, the products in many cases far exceed the intended goals and requirements of institutes.

BBA Approval
British board of Agrement
BBA actually stands for British Board of Agrément, originally established by the British Government in 1966, but now presents a non-profit, independent certification body which offers certification and inspection services in regard to the construction work and materials in the UK. Its services include not only certifying construction materials and procedures but also inspecting and making sure that the recognised and BBA approved techniques and schemes are implemented. The entire organisation and approvals are recognised by the building control, local authorities and departments, insurance companies, architects and designers, which means that you can rest assure that a BBA approved product really meets the standards set in the given certificate, since all the manufacturers are subject to organised surveillance and review just as the installation processes are under constant inspection
Product Approval
As mentioned above, we believe that it is extremely important to purchase and use only accredited and approved products. BBA makes sure that the accreditation is only given to the products that pass a strict series of laboratory testing, on-site evaluations, production inspections and proper audits that will make sure that adequate quality management system is applied. The product undergoes regular monitoring twice a year and an overall reassessment every three years, all in order of making sure that the good practice is also followed in the years to come.

WELL Building Standard
The "WELL Building Standard" focuses on the health and well-being of people in the built environment. The idea behind the founders is to stimulate the construction industry to create structures where people can live, work and learn healthily. Not only employees, but also employers benefit from a healthy working environment. 90% of the total operational costs consist of personnel costs. The working environment has a direct influence on, for example, productivity and absenteeism.
To obtain the WELL certificate, various health standards must be met. Seven different areas are tested, namely air, water, nutrition, light, vitality, comfort and a healthy mind. Techcomlight offers help in the field of, how could it be otherwise, "light". This area can be divided into 13 different elements, each of which we can advise on.

Cradle to Cradle
Do you have a project where Cradle to Cradle certified products are used or do you want to collaborate with companies that work in the same way as you in the context of environmental awareness? Which can! Take a closer look at your own business premises to see where improvements can be made. Are your daylight products biodegradable and can they be recycled? You can always contact one of our daylight professionals.